Visual Novel Maker特别版是一款可以帮助用户快速制作出视觉小说类游戏的开发工具,Visual Novel Maker汉化版为用户提供了功能强大的引擎工具和开发套件,我们可以直接使用这些工具套件来进行游戏开发,同时还可以通过软件提供的素材来完成画面设计,让开发游戏变得很简单。
Visual Novel Maker是一款可视化制作AVG的游戏引擎,国内教程资料甚少,相比国内的橙光游戏引擎来说功能更强大,现已加入简体中文
Visual Novel Maker中文补丁(Visual Novel Maker汉化包)是一款同名软件中文语言设置辅助文件。Visual Novel Maker是功能实用的GalGame游戏制作大师,是曾发行《rpg Maker》系列的Degica为开发者和玩家准备的另外一款开发工具,专门用来制作各种galgame。Visual Novel Maker汉化补丁由论坛网友制作,汉化部分重要的文本,有需要的不要错过。
Visual Novel Maker包含名为标准资产资源(StAR)的精美资源,可帮助您开始游戏。这包括人物,背景,音乐和音效,当你购买该程序时免费使用!
Visual Novel Maker的设计尽可能灵活,同时仍然是用户友好的。事实上,引擎中的所有内容都是通过简单的点击或拖放界面进行管理的。它具有强大的功能来处理图形和视频,以支持使用它的创意思维。
Visual Novel Maker具有Live2D支持,可为2D角色带来生命。这还包括对文本,语音片段和Live2D型号之间的语音同步的支持。剪辑的音量也反映在视觉上,带来全新的沉浸感!
Visual Novel Maker具有脚本功能,可以在游戏中添加新的机制或功能,扩展功能,修改编辑器以添加自己的命令的功能,让用户完全控制!
Visual Novel Maker允许您以4:3,16:9和16:10比率制作高达1080p的游戏。您还可以设置自定义分辨率!
Visual Novel Maker通过将所有文本显示在其自己的选项卡上和/或可以导出为.CSV格式来简化本地化过程。但这并非全部,Visual Novel Maker会根据用户语言检测图像是否需要更改,并在文件名末尾添加一个简单的后缀。(ex filename_de)
Visual novel maker怎么导出apk到android?
Now we need to setup a "JAVA_HOME" environment variable. To do this follow the steps below.
(1)First press Win+R (Windows Key + R), this should open up the RUN window.
(2) In the RUN window type "SystemPropertiesAdvanced" (without quotes) and press enter or click OK. This should open up the "System Properties" window
(3)Click "EnVRionment Variables..." It should open the Environment Variables window.
(4) Under "System variables" click "New.." it should open up a window asking for a "Variable name" and "Variable value".
(5) For the variable name put the following (without quotes) "JAVA_HOME".
(6) For the variable value put the location/path of your JDK install. Commonly (for 64bit): "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144" (without quotes).
(7) Press OK three times to close all the windows.
4.装android studio。
安装android studio的过程中要记得选中安装android SDK,记一下你的SDK的安装目录。或者安装完之后,在android studio初始界面进入设置(configure),选中SDK manager,你会看到SDK的安装目录。把这个目录保存,等会要改环境变量。
同时,在这个界面你会看到5.0, 6.0,7.0等等SDK platform,需要安装你的手机对应的版本。例如我的安卓手机是6.0,所以我就把6.0安装了。
Now we need to setup the ANDROID_HOME environment variable in Advanced System Properties. In order to do that follow the steps above that you used to setup the JAVA_HOME environment variable, except for variable name put "ANDROID_HOME" and for variable value put the location of the Android SDK directory(SDK的安装目录). DO NOT close the "Environment Variables" window like you did previously for JAVA_HOME, instead locate the "Path" system variable by scrolling down the list (if need be). You will need to modify this a bit by following the steps below.
(1)Double click the "Path" variable, it should open up a new window to edit the variable.
(2) If you're on Windows 10, click "New" it will add a new text field at the bottom of the list for you to add a new path too.
(3) In the new text field type the path to your Android SDK install and end it with "\tools" (地址是“SDK的安装目录\tools”).
(4) Repeat the above process but add "\platform-tools" after (在新建一个path,地址是“SDK的安装目录\platform-tools”)).
(5) Repeat the above process but just end it with the base directory for the Android SDK.
(6) Press Ok to close all the Environment variable and System Properties windows.
PS: If you aren't on windows 10, just do the above steps but instead of clicking "New", just end the path with a ";" (without quotes) before typing a new path.
7.到了重要的测试环节,先不用急着到visual novel maker测试,咱们先用Windows自带的cmd看看cordova能不能生成一个简单的小型apk。
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